The premise of An Amazon Initiative 

We believe the best way to protect the rainforest has proven to be proper land legislation, high forest management standards and a secure and transparent chain of custody.  

  • The forest management standard of the state and federal concessions in Brazil is close to the one of Forest Stewardship Council® which makes the final step of FSC certification easy to achieve.  

  • We believe in a 30-year harvesting cycle, prelogging inventory and mapping out high conservation values as well as reduced impact logging and extraction, are important elements of a sustainable forest management.  

  • We believe in monitoring of forest management plans, implementation and impact by SEMAS/IBAMA, and when FSC certified verified by independent certification bodies.  

All these efforts and investments makes the forest economically valuable and thus worth protecting from deforestation and illegal logging - maintaining valuable forest for future generations. 

Future initiatives 

Based on the findings from the previous actions An Amazon Initiative will seek to formalize itself and take further initiatives to reach objectives that promotes tropical timber from responsible sources:  


  • Support and enhance efforts of operators and NGO ́s who promote responsible domestic timber procurement and responsible forest management in the tropics, including further development of lesser known timber species.  

  • Overcome market barriers for tropical timber, by facilitating the development of LCA ́s on tropical timber to pave the way for Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on tropical timber.  

  • Co-create and implement solutions which strengthen the position of tropical timber in the future demand for verified legal and responsible origin and meet zero deforestation regulation.  

The initiative benefits from the support of Erik Kauffeldts Fond
The Erik Kauffeldts Fond is a Danish private equity fund founded by the previous owner and founder of the North Jutland wood company Keflico A/S. The fund has the majority stake in the company today. The purpose of the fund is to preserve Keflico as a Danish-owned company and to secure and support the company's financial basis. But also, to support with loans or Scholarships for current, future and former employees of Keflico.